Kozjan USA Immigration

Kozjan is located in a high narrow valley accessible from Bunić and the Croatian village of Čanak by dirt track only. The village is now deserted, save a few houses which appear to be used as holiday homes. The surnames of Barać, Hinić, Knežević and Svilar existed in the village which perhaps numbered no more that 200 at its peak.

There are descendants of Kozjan families in the USA and the few found so far in the record are listed below.


Nothing of note

Manifest Records

9 Apr 1906: SS Dora Trieste to New York

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Gajo Hinić40Geco Bogdanović – friend
McKeesport, PA

2 Apr 1907: SS Weimar Bremen to Baltimore

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Djukan Hinić18Mile Uzelac – bother in law
8926 Strand, Chicago
Mane Hinić17Bude Hinić – brother
8926 Strand, Chicago
likely settled in USA,
see bottom of page
Dane Svilar38Jovan Hinić – bother in law
8926 Strand, Chicago
previously in Chicago
Maksim Svilar18‘Juraj’ Svilar – brother
8926 Strand, Chicago

21 Apr 1907: SS Barcelona ? to New York

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Dane Hinić16not givennaturalised 1927, see
bottom of page

25 May 1907: SS Lucania Liverpool to New York

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Đurađ Hinić17Jovan Dragaš – step brother
8905 Green Bay Ave, Chicago

17 Mar 1909: SS Teutonic Southampton to New York

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Dane Hinić30Ilija Svilar – step brother
DeKalb, Ill
wife Smiljana in Kozjan #4.
previously in DeKalb
Glišo Hinić18Petar Hinić – brother
927 Oak St, DeKalb, Ill
father Simo in Kozjan
#163 but not a
Kozjan number
Petar Hinić32Ilija Svilar – friend
DeKalb, Ill
wife Božica in Kozjan #61.
previously in DeKalb
Tome Hinić18Ilija Svilar – godfather
DeKalb, Ill
father Dane in Kozjan #27
Bude Knežević30Jošo Furlan – friend
10742 Torrence, Chicago
wife Milica in Kozjan #9.
previously in DeKalb

Apr 1910: SS Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Hamburg to New York

port of departure documentation has limited details

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Ilija Hinić27not givencousin Mara in Kozjan

15 Jun 1911: SS Cassel Bremen to Baltimore

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Ilija Hinić18Mile Hinić – father
10830 Torrence, Chicago
mother Marija in Kozjan

30 Dec 1912: SS Campania Liverpool to New York

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Božica Hinić30Peja or Gajo Hinić – friend?
Boone, Iowa
cousin Mara in Kozjan

9 Jun 1931: SS Paris Le Havre to New York

Name AgeGoing ToNote
Bude Hinić40F.P.Hinić – brother
Hibbing, MN
father Vujo in Kozjan.
In Hibbing 1913-31

Other confirmed records for Kozjan people

Name BornNote
Dane Hinić
(Dan Enich)
23 Oct 1891married Mildred 1922 in Steubenville, OH.
7 children.
naturalised 1949 Weirton, W.Virginia.
Mane Hinić28 May 1892
(22 March in
some records
wife Helen Hinić
Naturalised 1927 DeKalb
lived at 629 Oak St, DeKalb in 1942
Worked on railraod.
Died Oct 1945, DeKalb, Ill

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