USA Immigration Analysis

Before the database is made available on the website this page will show some basic analysis of those entering the USA.

As at June 2022 the details of over 900 immigrants have been collated. The approach used so far is fairly random and so while this is reflected in the below charts, patterns in the data are starting to appear.

Number of passengers arriving at USA ports by year

The random approach results in under representation in some years, however a clear pattern is visible with 1906 being a peak year.

Village of origin

The following chart, at present, is clearly biased towards central and northern parts of Lika. This will be corrected over time to build a more complete picture of village of origin.

The many villages around Korenica are rarely identified by passengers, instead they used Korenica. Given that many surnames were widespread across many of these villages it’s virtually impossible to identify the actual village of origin. The same applies to Bunić, Medak & Vrhovine, but to a lesser extent. As best possible the village of origin is adjusted where there is certainty and mainly using Grujić’s 1915 village survey. The following table excludes villages where there are currently less than 10 persons identified. Doljani is the village in Gacka Dolina.

Destination place in the USA

Chicago was unsurprisingly the main destination place and particularly for first time travellers to the USA. For many returning to the USA they typically went to the last place they had worked at and so the label of ‘Other’ is indicative of the number returning to the USA. The label ‘Unknown’ is unreadable place names, although the state is clear and mainly Pennsylvania. St Louis is the one in Missouri.

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